Local war veterans to have better access to housing assistance

06 May 2016

Veterans facing homelessness have been delivered fair access to assistance under changes announced by the Queensland Government.

State Member for Morayfield, Mark Ryan MP, welcomed the changes which will make it easier for some veterans to access housing assistance.

“Under the current system, a veteran who receives Veterans’ Affairs disability payments might be in need of a Bond Loan or Rental Grant can’t access these services due to income limits,” Mr Ryan said.

“The changes being implemented by the Palaszczuk Government will correct this.”

Housing and Public Works Minister, Mick de Brenni, said income eligibility for the Bond Loan and Rental Grants programs will be expanded to include Veterans’ Affairs disability payments.

“I was alerted to the need for changes by a navy veteran who told me straight up that we have to do something to help homeless veterans,” Mr de Brenni said.

“I fundamentally believe that reform like this is what good government is all about.”

The changes will deliver eligibility assistance to people receiving the Veterans’ Affairs Total and Permanent Impairment Disability Pensions and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Special Payments.

“These changes are in place now, so if you or someone you know could benefit from them, please get in contact with the Caboolture Housing Service Centre,” Mr Ryan said.

“These men and women answered their nation’s call for service and the Palaszczuk Government is proud to deliver dignity to them in return.”